Wednesday 12 May 2010

All Friends Now

Messrs Cameron and Clegg have reached an agreement. They're rolling up their sleeves and tucking into the deficit, the recession and other myriad problems we face. Good luck to them. This blog has reached its conclusion.

Unless, of course, we are forced to have another election later in the year. In which case, I still won't vote.


Tuesday 11 May 2010

8PM. New PM

Guess it's only fair to give Cameron the chance to tidy up the mess we find ourselves in. Any other pact between the losing parties would have been a travesty.

Biggest Segment Of Public Ignored

It's all very well saying, well the majority of people didn't vote for this party or that party. But spare a thought for the millions of people who didn't vote at all. People like me, who washed their hands of the political system. Who said 'they're all as bad as each other, so I'm not voting for any of them.' I'm not responsible if taxes rise or the standard of living falls. Yet I have to go along with whatever gets decided.

Monday 10 May 2010

Still No One In Charge

Last time I looked, no one was running the country. People must be wondering what the hell they voted for. I was wondering that from the start. Think we'll end up with some seedy LibLab pact with a smattering of Welsh and Scottish loyalists sticking their oar in. A disgrace really, given that the Tories got the most votes. It's a right old mess. Maybe let's try having no one running the country for a while. See how that goes.

Sunday 9 May 2010

Another Election This Year?

Wayhey. That means another chance not to vote. Word on the (Downing) street is that there may have to be another election this year to vote on all this uncertainty, and hopefully elect a party that will definitely go back on some of its promises, rather than the mish mash Compromise Party this first election has left us with.

Saturday 8 May 2010

What a mess

Still no government. No PM to lambast. Demonstrations in London by people wearing purple - a new party? Journalists clueless about what's going on. All speculating about what could happen. Markets on the verge of collapse. And it's all my fault because I didn't vote.

Friday 7 May 2010

Late Voters

Saw scenes of people queuing to vote last night, and not being allowed to because of the ten o'clock deadline. Come on. The stations were open for 13 hours. Not all of you had to work all day. Learn the lesson and get to places in good time instead of moping around at home all day and leaving things to the last minute.

Was it worth it?

No winner. No government. No stability.

Thursday 6 May 2010

The Best Part Of The Election

Seeing the scores come in. Seeing how people can predict the whole nation's vote from just a few results. Proof that people are the same wherever you go. And a trend in one area will be reflected across the country. Us humans are disappointingly unoriginal. I vote for change.

Just Back From The Polling Station

Not really.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Election Eve

Ooo. It's like Christmas Eve. But without the excitement and anticipation of the next day. Mind you, with the hours the party leaders have been spending travelling around the constituencies, desperately trying to drum up last minute support, I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to get down my chimney tonight to secure my vote. Who'll be the turkey tomorrow? The polls seem to suggest that all three are going to have a similar size vote in their stockings. And like those stockings, parliament will be hung.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Tactical Voting

Apparently that's what the Labour party want people to do to stop letting the Tories in (or more likely, to make the margin of defeat for their own party less embarrassing). But there's no room for tactics in a polling booth. There's barely room for a pen, paper and a person. I think these places should be made a little more inviting. Maybe a little chair on which to ponder what is, after all, a very important decision. And how about tea, coffee, biscuits? Some brain food. Starbucks have missed a trick there. Maybe next election. Make the polling booth more alluring and you may attract some extra voters. Now which biscuits? Rich Tea if you vote Tory, Chocolate Gordon Brownies for the Labour supporters, and one with something nice and yellow in the middle for the Lib Dems - Custard Creams. Mmmm.

Monday 3 May 2010

Whatever Happened to the Fun Parties?

By their very name, parties are supposed to be fun. Political parties have to be the least fun parties I can think of. Seems in this evermore serious age in which less and less youngsters smoke and drink, fewer political parties are just there for the fun of it. It's not the winning, it's the talking about farts that counts. Bring back The Monster Raving Looney Party. Then I might bother to vote.

Reasons Not To Vote No.6

Whoever gets in will tax the hell out of you, cut services and benefits. But blame it on someone else. If you wanna support that, by all means put an X on that scrap of paper.

Sunday 2 May 2010

BBC Election Graphics

Haven't been sure about these for a while. They look like multi-coloured swizzle sticks sticking into various parts of the nation. Not sure what we should read into that, and how many cocktail-related puns can be derived from them. A Cosmopolitician anyone? Or how about a Margarita Thatcher? Rounded off with a Screaming Lord Sutch Orgasm.

Saturday 1 May 2010

The Campaign Trail

All the politicians are on it. Leaving a trail of slimey promises, like slugs wending their way over the land. Perhaps. Meanwhile, the newspapers are revealing their allegiances. The Guardian has turned its back on Labour in favour of the LibDems. And The Times is backing the Tories again, for the first time in a generation. Dunno what that all means, but I do know a newspaper would never sway me to vote for one party over another. Especially papers with tricky crosswords like those mentioned above.